
Retired soldier dies of heart attack while dancing in central India; audience mistakes tragedy for performance

Retired soldier dies of heart attack while dancing in central India; audience mistakes tragedy for performance
In a tragic incident, a retired soldier suffered a fatal heart attack while dancing at a public event in central India’s Madhya Pradesh.
The incident took place in Indore on May 31.
Visuals showed the retired soldier was participating in a local cultural event, where he suddenly collapsed mid-dance. Spectators, thinking it was an elaborate act, did not immediately rush to his aid.
The audience, unaware of the medical emergency, initially mistook his collapse for part of the performance and continued to applaud. It was only after several moments that the severity of the situation became clear, and attempts were made to assist him. Unfortunately, the delay in response contributed to the tragic outcome, and he was pronounced dead shortly after.
This incident highlights the importance of quick medical intervention and awareness in public gatherings, especially when it comes to recognizing potential health emergencies.
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