
School principal assaults teacher over recording video in northern India

School principal assaults teacher over recording video in northern India

In a startling incident, a school principal reportedly assaulted a teacher after the latter recorded a video of her receiving a facial treatment during school hours in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh.

The incident took place at Daandamau village of Unnao on April 18.

Visuals showed the principal was getting a facial done in the school, and when the teacher tried to record the video, the principal attacked the teacher injuring her, after which wounds were seen on the teacher’s hands.

According to eyewitnesses, the confrontation escalated rapidly as Principal Singh, known for her authoritarian demeanor, reacted violently to Khan’s actions. Reports suggest that Singh resorted to physical violence, leaving Khan with injuries to her hands and abdomen, and even went as far as breaking her mobile phone.

The incident, which occurred on Thursday morning, quickly gained traction within the local community and sparked outrage among teachers and parents alike. Assistant Teacher Aman Khan wasted no time in filing a police report against Principal Sangita Singh, citing assault, threat, and property damage.

In response to the escalating situation, Superintendent Rajpal confirmed that legal action has been initiated against Principal Singh. Furthermore, Assistant Teacher Khan has been promptly hospitalized and is currently undergoing medical treatment for her injuries at a nearby facility under the care of Dr. Poonam Gupta.

This is not the first instance of controversy surrounding Principal Sangita Singh, as previous disputes with staff members have been reported. Sources indicate that Singh’s purportedly close ties to high-ranking officials have emboldened her behavior, leading to concerns about unchecked power dynamics within the school administration.

As the investigation unfolds, the local teachers’ union has called for swift and decisive action against Principal Sangita Singh, demanding accountability and justice for Assistant Teacher Aman Khan. The incident has raised important questions about workplace safety and professionalism within educational institutions, prompting calls for reform and stricter regulations to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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