
Air India plane causes traffic chaos as it’s transported on highway in northern India

Air India plane causes traffic chaos as it’s transported on highway in northern India
A surprising sight unfolded on a busy highway as an Air India airplane in northern India’s Bihar, loaded onto a truck, created massive traffic disruptions.

The incident took place near the Didarganj Toll Plaza on NH 30 in Patna on April 18.

Visuals showed an airplane securely strapped onto the back of a truck on the highway, causing significant hindrance to the flow of vehicles traveling along the road.

According to reports on Thursday evening, people in Patna were astonished to see an Air India airplane on the National Highway. Near the Didarganj Toll Plaza on NH 30 in Patna, an Air India aircraft was loaded onto a truck. The truck was carrying the scrapped load of the airplane. The flight of Air India was quite long.

Due to the length of the flight and the relatively narrow width of the road, there were considerable difficulties in navigating the aircraft on the road. As a result, a traffic jam occurred on the National Highway. The Jat Golden Transport truck from Ajmer was loaded with the scrapped airplane of Air India. Due to the narrowness of the road near the Didarganj Toll Plaza in Patna, efforts were made to maneuver the truck. This completely disrupted traffic.

Several vehicles got stuck in the jam near the Didarganj Toll Plaza. Many employees of the toll plaza got stuck in the traffic jam while trying to remove the scrapped Air India airplane from the road. It is being reported that after the efforts of the toll plaza employees, the truck carrying the loaded scrapped airplane was diverted towards Bakhtiyarpur on the Didarganj National Highway.

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