
Devastating avalanche strikes in northern India

Devastating avalanche strikes in northern India

A massive avalanche descended upon the region of northern India’s Uttarakhand, sending waves of panic through the local population and pilgrims visiting this sacred site.

The incident took place in Kedarnath of Rudhraprayag district on May 15.

Visuals the colossal mass of snow hurtling down with an immense roar and transforming the serene landscape into a scene of chaos.

The avalanche, which occurred in the early hours, was captured on video, showing an immense cloud of snow and debris rushing down the mountainside, resembling a giant white dust storm.



Kedarnath is a revered pilgrimage destination, known for its ancient temple dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva. The area, nestled in the Himalayas, is prone to natural disasters, with the memory of the catastrophic 2013 floods still fresh in the minds of many.



Authorities have mobilized rescue teams to search for survivors and assess the damage. Initial reports indicate that several buildings have been buried under the snow, and there are concerns about the safety of pilgrims and residents in the area. The extent of casualties is yet to be confirmed.

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