
Mob violence erupts in Pakistan over blasphemy allegation against Christian man

Mob violence erupts in Pakistan over blasphemy allegation against Christian man
A Christian man narrowly escaped lynching in Pakistan, after being accused of blasphemy against Islam.
 The incident took place in Sargodha, on May 25.
Visuals showed a mob, unsure if they had the right individual, attacked a shoe shop owned by the Christian family. The mob’s leader instructed followers not to take the shoes home, signaling that the attack was intended as a message rather than theft. Visuals also showed the violence escalated as the mob vandalized the entire Mujahid Colony, where the Christian family resides.
A local church was also targeted, adding to the community’s distress and fear. The incident has sparked widespread violence and vandalism in the area, specifically targeting the Christian community. Authorities have been called to restore order, but the situation remains tense as residents grapple with the aftermath of the violent outbreak.
The incident underscores ongoing religious tensions and the vulnerability of minority communities in Pakistan.
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